SwfL Happy Spot #9 Profile:
Agora’s on First
2273 1st Street
Ft. Myers, FL
(239) 226.9004

Lucky gets into fabulous-ness!

Recently, while workin’ in the studio, Lucky spontaneously pipes up and says “Let’s make you Fabulous!”

Laughing out loud, I turned to ask her where she got this ‘fabulous!’ new idea from and found my answer in one quick look…

While most cats are content to simply sleep upon fashion magazines, Lucky (being the fierce female feline she is), loves to actually read them.

Apparently now that she’s become something of a local celebrity she wants to make sure those seen with her (meaning, me) are, at all times, a DO!


What is a DO? A DO is, quite simply, the opposite of a DONT!

In fashion, a DO is someone who does things that others wish to DO too. DO’s are hip, cool, and trend-a-liscious!

Which am I? At this point in time (and this point in my budget), I’d safely consider myself a MAYBE.

But as Lucky presented her case, (mentioning spontaneous TV interviews and the possibility of SWFL paparazzi…) I began to see her point. Maybe I should learn how to be a DO!

Word of mouth led us straight to a cozy lil’ boutique nestled in the brick coves that line First Street in DownTown Ft. Myers. Run by a 3-generational team of fashionistas (the lill’est one being an adorable 2 year old who wears heels better than most of us!), this Happy Spot was just bursting with fabulous-ness! Certainly these ladies could teach me the basics of being a DO!

As I chatted with owners Amanda & Becky, Lucky spotted a Happy Buddha friend and was inspired to seek her own fabulous-ness counsel…

after lighting some fabulous-ness candles…

she entered into a deep meditative state, asking Happy Buddha for fabulous-ness enlightenment…

What’d she come up with?  Umm… nothing. Ha! Have you seen Happy Buddha’s style? Not exactly this century coolness. But it was worth a try Lucky, good job!

What I learned is that ultimately, being a fabulous DO boils down to three things:

1) Fabulous accessories

2) Fabulous shoes… (or fabulous sandals!)

And  3)  A fabulous pair of jeans!

Dress ’em up with hot pink heels or dress ’em down with a boy’s white tee ~ either way, the perfect pair of jeans are a must have for any fashionista.

Of course, when it comes to lookin’ good, you must remember that

nothing beats a SMILE!!!

The one accessory that everyone can afford, it will ALWAYS make you shine like a Fabulous DO!!


Where’s Lucky Cat?

At Agora’s on First! Find out more here:  http://bit.ly/avKLab

Congratulations to our winners who won a $25 gift certificate from this Happy Spot #9 and a $20 gift card for a fabulous new ‘do from GLO Hair Salon in Cape Coral

Follow Lucky, be lucky!
